Cataract Surgery By Phacoemulsification Technique, Multifocal / Toric Lens Implantation
Phacoemulsification is the latest technique of cataract surgery nowadays. No anesthesia/injection is required in this technique. Patients are discharged on the same day. We do not apply eye patches in most of the cases after surgery. No stitches are applied. This surgery is done using the OERTLI PHACOEMULSIFICATION SYSTEM which is one of the finest machines in the world for this procedure. In this technique a small incision (1.8/2.2/2.8 mm ) is made over the cornea & cataract is removed by creating small pieces by OERTLI PHACOEMULSIFICATION SYSTEM. After the removal of the cataractous lens, a foldable intra-ocular lens (IOL ) is placed inside the eye through (a 1.8/2.2/2.8 mm incision ) in the same place from where the cataractous lens was removed. All this procedure is done using anesthetic drops only. No injection is required in most of the cases
A cataract is an opacity or cloudiness in the natural lens of the eye. It is still the leading cause of blindness worldwide. In India it is commonly known as Safed Motia. When the lens is partially opaque, it is called an immature cataract and some light can pass through to help perform some routine functions. However, when the opacity increases to engulf the entire lens, vision is totally cut off and the cataract is mature.
At present many types of IOLs are in the market. Broadly these are Monofocal, Multifocal & Trifocal IOLs. Monofocal IOLs covers either distance vision or near vision . Patient need to wear spectacle glasses either for near or distance vision. Multifocal IOLs covers both distance & near vision & patient need not to wear spectacle glasses except while driving/ watching TV / reading for long time . Trifocal IOLs covers distance , near & intermediate vision .These IOLs are very good for young age persons & individuals engaged in lot of computer work. Besides these IOLs several types of other IOLs i.e. Toric, Advance monofocal ,Extended depth of focus etc are also available. Your doctor will advise you best IOL as per your requirement.